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Digital Motion X-Ray
We are proud to be among the first in our region to bring DIGITAL MOTION X-RAY to the Seattle and Bellevue area. We are now able to unlock the mystery of spinal and joint pain. This technology has been commonly used in the diagnosis of soft tissue damage that will cause pain but show no pathological evidence on plain film x-ray, CT or even MRI. It will allow us to check the underlying tendons and ligaments for injury, which in the past has been difficult to diagnose objectively. It is commonly known among spinal care professionals that damage to ligaments and tendons cannot be corrected with surgery or physiotherapy alone.
In our office DMX (Digital Motion X-ray) is used to check the integrity of the ligaments and the discs of the spine both for injury and to determine the type of care that you are or are not a candidate for.
Digital Motion X-ray is a video based fluoroscopy system. Although it is the next evolution in fluoroscopy and static x-ray. It is coupled with digital and optic technology and lets us see articulations of the joints of the spine and extremities at 30 exposures per second. We preform the test in a weight bearing position with the patient actively moving. It just makes sense if there is pain in motion, test in motion. This literally allows us to evaluate, for example all 22 major ligaments in the cervical spine.
Why Patients Need Digital Motion X-Ray (DMX)
You are sitting at a red light waiting for it to change. All of a sudden, you hear the sound of screeching tires and a loud crash. Your car jolts forward and your neck whips backward then forward in a violent motion. You’ve just experienced a whiplash injury. You are experiencing headaches and pain and stiffness in your neck. You go to your doctor complaining of neck pain and headache, so he takes several static x-rays which, of course, are negative because they are taken for three main reasons: to rule out fractures, gross dislocations, and tumors. Good news, you didn’t break or dislocate your neck and you don’t have any tumors, but you still have headaches and neck pain. Next, they do an MRI of your neck and it comes out negative. Your MRI was negative because MRI looks at discs, but there are no discs in the upper 30 percent of your neck or in the back of your neck where your headaches and neck pain originate. So the doctor sends you home with some pain medication but no definitive diagnosis. Your pain persists but no one can tell you why, and the insurance company over time stops paying your medical bills because there is no proof of your injury.
If this scenario sounds all too familiar, you should have a digital motion x-ray of your cervical spine. Digital Motion X-Ray (DMX) uses advanced technology to detect ligament injuries that could never be seen before because of the lack of motion. Static x-rays, MRI and CT commonly miss injuries because you don’t or can’t move for the exam. Digital motion x-ray is just the opposite. It can find injuries that are evident only when you move. If your pain increases with movement, common sense tells you that your injuries should be examined “in motion.” If you are in pain after an accident and no one can tell you why, digital motion x-ray may hold the answer you are looking for.
Insurance companies will pay for the care you deserve as long as you are able to prove you are injured. Unfortunately, you will probably need care years into the future because these injuries are permanent.
Why Doctors Need Digital Motion X-Ray (DMX)
Headaches, Whiplash Injuries neck pain that is unrelenting. Until now, it has been extremely difficult for doctors to diagnose ligamentous injuries because standard x-ray, MRI, and CT do not show these types of injuries
There are two different types of ligament injuries. One is called a complete failure, or “tear,” and the other is a sub-failure, which is a stretching of the ligament this is most often referred to as a sprain. Loose ligaments can only be demonstrated through a motion imaging procedure. That is why DMX can reveal these sub-failure ligament injuries in as little as 15 minutes, allowing the doctor to specifically determine which ligaments are injured and most importantly how can they be treated.
Digital Motion X-Ray (DMX) helps doctors make a fast and accurate diagnosis for patients with ligament damage. In addition, Digital Motion X-Ray allows doctors to:
> Make the most informed and reliable diagnosis
> Provide proof of injury
> Increase patient compliance and understanding
> Detect ligament injuries objectively
> Substantiate patient care
> Our DMX system can confirm your diagnosis and prove why you are administering treatment. Contact us today to learn more about what Digital Motion X-Ray technology can do for you. We do and will take your patients and do a specific exam for you
No matter whether your condition was caused by a sport, work accident or otherwise, we welcome the chance to serve you.
About Us
Seattle Back Pain was founded by Drs. Jeremy & Leah Meadows, owners of Energize Chiropractic and Wellness. Energize Chiropractic has been serving Kirkland for nearly 20 years and is the communities leader for natural health and wellness.
Opening Hours
Monday - 08:00-1PM & 2-6:30PM
Tuesday - 09:00-6:30PM
Wednesday - 08:00-1PM & 2-6:30PM
Thursday -08:00-1PM & 2-6:30PM
Friday - CLOSED
Saturday - CLOSED
Sunday - CLOSED
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